Lacy is a three-year-old diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) and chronic respiratory failure living with a tracheostomy and feeding tube. Lacy and her family rely on skilled nurses to provide continuous hands-on care so that she can avoid hospitalization and stay where she belongs – at home. “I don’t know what I’d do without my nurses,” says Lacy’s grandmother – her primary caregiver following the murder of her daughter when Lacy was in utero, “They’re my lifeline.” Although Lacy receives services under the NC’s Private Duty Nursing (PDN) program, she doesn’t get all the coverage for which she qualifies and needs because nurses are difficult to recruit and retain. Open shifts are common in PDN due to Medicaid’s low reimbursement rate. Lacy’s grandmother had to quit her job in order to take care of her, and nursing coverage is only enough so that she can get sleep and perhaps run an errand. Hearts for Home Care advocates are serving as a voice for home care clients like Lacy, and for family members who are impacted by the lack of nurses like her grandmother. To encourage state and federal legislators to support higher wages for in-home caregivers and increase vulnerable residents’ access to services, you can make a difference! Learn about ways you can participate in advocacy through our website, or by emailing [email protected] today! |