Area Director, Government Affairs, Lee Dobson and I have been making the rounds and walking the halls at the state capitol to educate key legislators about home care.
Our meetings with SC Senators Mike Gambrell and Floyd Nicholson gave us the opportunity to educate them on our challenges with staffing and reimbursement rates. Senator Gambrell stated, “I’m familiar with home health care. My dad had services after his hospital stay, and he has been able to recover quickly because of the nurses.” We also met with Representatives Bruce Bryant and Tommy Pope who also shared their experience of home care.
Representative Tommy Pope, Ex Officio, stated “I understand the cost savings home care can offer, and feel people want to be home.” We had an encouraging meeting with the Assistant Director for Budget Development Senate Finance Committee, Angie Willis. She is very interested in learning more about home care needs for South Carolinians and how the state legislature can help.
We also had a productive meeting with House Ways and Means Chairman Brian White and his Chief of Staff Beverly Smith. Chairman White has supported home care for many years and was previously instrumental in passing the enhanced rate differential for nursing. He gave us great insight on the challenges and opportunities within the political process and has helped us shape our path towards higher reimbursement rates. We look forward to working with these and other lawmakers as we increase awareness and garner support for BAYADA’s legislative priorities.
If you’d like to find out what you can do to help advocate for higher reimbursement rates, sign up to become a Heart for Home Care!