Election season is in full swing and our legislators are busy rallying support from organizations and constituents in their districts. BAYADA staff and members of our Political Action Committee (PAC) have taken full advantage of these opportunities to connect with our legislators by attending legislative receptions in their communities.
These events, whether they are fundraisers, dinners, or meet-and-greets, give BAYADA an opportunity, beyond our direct lobbying and grassroots efforts, to engage with the legislators who are making laws that that affect our clients, employees, and the home health care industry in general.
Our NC PAC membership is 126 (33%) of eligible employees with a retention rate of 99%. The NC PAC Board has distributed year-to-date $14,050 to 25 home care supporters. Further, the Board has approved another $30,625 to be distributed to some 42 lawmakers and candidates within the next two months. As a non-partisan PAC, we distribute proportionally to members from both sides of the isle–52% Republican / 48% Democrat–and focus our limited funds on members who are in a leadership position, or a relevant committee (health, appropriations, aging, insurance, etc.), AND who are supporters of home care.
See below to hear directly from our PAC members and legislators about the importance of getting involved in the legislative process.

I really enjoyed getting involved and meeting Senator Waddell. She really wants to help. Sharing our stories gets the point across and helps lawmakers understand home care. It is worthwhile for us to advocate.
– Timothy Peterkin, Area Director (GP)

If you think that lawmakers understand or know everything on which we are voting, you are wrong. We, as lawmakers, can’t know everything. We rely on people and organizations we know and trust, like BAYADA, to help us understand the issue. It is great to be able to get feedback from experts on issues before we cast our vote.
– Rep. Cynthia Ball
While this is my first time attending an event with BAYADA, it is not my first time getting involved in advocacy. I was pleased to learn that BAYADA has a strong advocacy program and is working with lawmakers to ensure they understand the importance of home care.
– Ryan Halas, Client Services Manager (DRP)

It is vital we connect with our elected officials. They make decision that impact our ability to serve clients in their homes. These events allow us to building relationships locally and to share The BAYADA Way with them. It was worthwhile for me to attend and represent BAYADA.
– Adam Brooks, Director (MAG)
As I’m campaigning across the state I’ve attended numerous events for various members, I’ve seen BAYADA everywhere. Your red stands out! Thank you for supporting our efforts to improve North Carolina.
– Speaker of the House Tim Moore
Attending PAC events is a chance to market BAYADA and our services in a different venue. Theses PAC events are worthwhile and allow us to showcase the scope of services and the need we’re filling for clients.
– Trip Smithdeal, PAC Board Chairman

This PAC event gave us the opportunity to thank Rep. Elmore for his strong and constant support. Educating our legislators at events like these is so important in making sure our legislators truly understand the challenges that our employees, our clients, and their families face on a daily basis.
– Amy Boardwine, Director (FHP)

I enjoyed the PAC legislative breakfast. I would definitely go again. It is super important, especially for my office which relies on Medicaid, for lawmakers to hear from us. We need their support if we are to get a rate increase.
– Paige Downing, Client Services Manager (SPR)
As lawmakers, we need to hear directly from our constituents. Demystify the process. Sharing your story is an excellent way to advocate.
– Rep. Gale Adcock
Thank you to the many other PAC members, including Stephanie Zananiri, Timothy Peterkin, Melissa Zuzolo, Paulette Troy, and others who made the time to connect with our legislators and to advocate on behalf of our clients and employees. If you want to join our PAC or have questions about how you can get involved, contact [email protected].