NC Long Legislative Session Gaveled Out

Submitted by Lee Dobson, Area Director, NC Government Affairs (GAO)

Last week Speaker Tim Moore and President Pro Tempore Phil Berger ended the long legislative session after passing, along party lines, North Carolina’s 23 billion dollar budget. The budget contained a few provisions we asked for, but not everything. The budget was sent to Governor Roy Cooper for signature. As expected, the budget was vetoed and must be sent back to the General Assembly. Lawmakers plan to return in August where the Republican-majority has sufficient votes to override the veto. It is reported the General Assembly will reconvene for as many as three Special Sessions this year – on August 3rd to address any bills vetoed by Governor Cooper, and on September 6th and November 15th to address redistricting, as the US Supreme Court ruled that our current NC House and Senate maps unconstitutionally disenfranchised African American voters.

While members are back in their districts our Hearts for Home Care Ambassadors will be reaching out to schedule home visits and hosts legislative round table with their offices.   Watch for ways to get involved.

A Special Holiday Message from H4HC’s President