DHS Secretary Testifies at Recent ACA Repeal Hearing

Submitted by Laura Ness, Director, Government Affairs (GAO)

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Acting Secretary Teresa Miller was called to testify recently at the US Senate Committee on Finance during the Graham-Cassidy bill proposal.  This proposed legislation would have a traumatic impact to the home care industry.  Not only would it have limited health care coverage for millions of Americans it would have also block granted Medicaid which would limit Pennsylvanians access to home care services.

Because of our advocacy efforts and the advocacy efforts of others, the bill was removed from consideration.

There have been many action alerts this past quarter each one more important than the last. Thank you for taking the time to be a heart for home care and taking action!

Photo credit: PA Department of Human Services
DHS Acting Secretary Miller testifies in front of Senate Finance Committee Photo credit: PA Department of Human Services 



A Special Holiday Message from H4HC’s President