Home Care: A Cost-Effective Solution Congress Shouldn’t Ignore

As Congress continues discussions on reducing federal spending, Hearts for Home Care (H4HC) is leading the call for policymakers to recognize the cost-saving potential of home health care and support smart, sustainable healthcare policies. With recent legislative developments—including the House Budget Bill and the directive for the House Energy and Commerce Committee to identify $880 billion in program reductions—it is more important than ever to ensure that home care remains a priority.

At H4HC, we know that home health services not only provide compassionate, patient-preferred care but also offer significant financial benefits to the healthcare system. By enabling individuals to receive care at home instead of in costly institutional settings like skilled nursing facilities or hospitals, home care reduces overall healthcare expenditures while improving patient outcomes. Investing in home care is a win-win.

Why Home Care Must Be a Priority in Federal Spending Discussions

As a separate but affiliated advocacy organization to BAYADA Home Health Care—who employs 34,000 in-home caregivers who help over 170,000 medically fragile individuals remain safe and healthy in their homes—H4HC is urging Congress to recognize the essential role of home health, private duty nursing, hospice, and personal care services. Home-based services are not only preferred by patients and families but also significantly more cost-effective than institutional care. The home care model keeps people where they want to be—at home—while reducing strain on Medicaid and Medicare budgets.

Recent federal discussions about budget reductions could impact vital programs, but H4HC, BAYADA, and the broader home care advocacy community are optimistic that lawmakers have reaffirmed their commitment to protecting Medicaid from funding caps and formula changes. This is a step in the right direction in the fight to preserve access to home care, but more work remains. We must continue urging Congress to invest in home health care as a high-value, fiscally responsible alternative to costly long-term care facilities.

The Economic Case for Home Care

BAYADA CEO David Baiada put it best: “Cuts to home care services would put [medically fragile] individuals at risk of seeking care in far more expensive settings like hospitals and nursing homes. This presents an opportunity for the federal government to realize the significant cost-savings potential of home care and prioritize these services for our country’s most vulnerable populations.”

The home care model keeps people where they want to be—at home—while reducing strain on Medicaid and Medicare budgets.

Take Action: Your Advocacy Matters

At Hearts for Home Care, we believe that our voices matter in shaping the future of home care. As discussions around federal spending continue, we need advocates like you to reach out to lawmakers and remind them that home care is the most cost-effective, patient-centered solution available.

Here’s how you can help:

Contact your legislators and urge them to support home care funding.
Share your home care story to highlight the impact these services have on real lives.
Join Hearts for Home Care to stay informed and take part in advocacy efforts.

As Congress debates budget priorities, let’s ensure that home care remains at the top of the agenda. By working together, we can protect and expand access to essential services for our most vulnerable populations.